Monday, April 20, 2009

Hotel For Dogs 2: The Unofficial Script

Slammy and I gotz to thinking about a pretty kool movie concept the other day...


So get this, in Hotel For Dogs 2 the dogs would need a hotel but there's a catch... the hotel for dogs would be run by the craziest thing you could think off... BABIES! Think of the hilarious konundrum's that would happen. For example scene 1, we run out of dog food so what to the doggies eat...Gerbers! Scene 2, the doggies run out of kitty litter so what to the babies do... put some Huggies on our furry friends. And with all the new babies in Hollywood it wouldn't be hard to get a cast for this film.

While we were talking we came up with some sequels for the future...


This would be about a bunch of comic gangsta's who get in trouble by their lovers and have to spend the night in the backyard in the... DAWG HOUSE! We're thinking Sinbad should probably take the lead role plus soundtrack featuring Mr. Bombastic remix by Shaggy. Plus a cameo from Michael Vick, what a perfect way for him to apologize to the public!


This would be a spinoff of the TV Show Friends only the cast would be completely dogs. Joey=Dalmation+ Monica=French Bulldog = LOL!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I LOVE APRIL FOOLS! My brainstorming process for the big day begins every year on April 2nd.

This year might have been my best prank yet. A month before April Fools I went on a double-date where we watched "Baby's Day Out." Besides entertaining me and keeping me laughing all night long, it gave me an idea for April Fools. I have a bunch of friends that are construction workers and have been working on a house for some time. My idea was I was going to find a baby and dress it in construction worker clothing (including the hardhat! LOL!) and I would drop it off at the work site and have it work with the "boys" for a day. Imagine the conversation among the construction workers:
-"Is this baby really going to be working with us all day long?"
-"No, it's YOUR turn to change his diaper"
-"I don't know what boss was thinking when he sent a baby to work, he can't do anything."
-"Can you put these holes in the wall baby?"

Unfortunately, that idea will have to wait for another year as I couldn't get any parents who would agree to me using their kid for a prank (C'mon lighten up parents)

What I came up still centered around the baby idea. I changed my answering maching from my personal recording to a recording of a baby babiling. People got so confused. I got notified by bunch of people alerting me that a a baby had stolen my phone. I asked them if they got the baby's name. They said they couldn't understand him (I wonder why, it's a baby, duh!). Some people didn't get it altogether and just asked me why I had a baby on my answering machine (get a sense of humor people!) The cutest response was from my handicaped friend Jarom, he asked my friends if I had turned into a baby. Cute!

I am already on the drawing board for next year. Watch out!

My Business Idea

The Entrepreneur Club on campus this week is sponsoring a "Business Idea Opportunity" where students submit business ideas for a start-up company. The best idea as determined by the "E-Club" gets a $10,000 of funding for their idea.

Me, being bogged down by school didn't have the time to submit an idea although I do have one. Here is my proposal:

Business Name: DogChildren

How I got the Idea: I got this idea from observing a bunch of my married friends. Being so young and in school they feel like they are not quite prepared for children. A bunch of them have considered pets but they feel whenever they go shopping at the pet store it is hard to find a pet they could call their own.

Problem: They can't find a pet they can call their own.

Solution: That is where DogChildren comes in. What I am hoping to do with DogChildren is to artifically impregnate the women with a pet dog. I've seen baby dogs and they are very small at birth, thus pregnancy would be fairly easy. Although expected mothers would still be expected to not smoke or ride inappropriate rollercoasters. I think the sense of love the couple would have for the DogChildren would almost equal that of their real children. With DogChildren there also would be the opportunity for multiple-revenue streams. We could sell balloons and banner with the caption, "IT'S A DOG" for the couples after birth of their DogChildren.

Potential Problems: Up to this point, we lack the technology. To be honest as far as artificially impregnating a women with a dog I have no idea where to even start. Also I am lacking a respectable logo. So far what I am thinking is a dog with a backwards hat but there has got to be something better.