Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Twitter Update

Sam is the cleanest boy in America!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's For The Youth

Sam's and mine EQP handed out these lists last Sunday. I've been thinking about them all week, interesting stuff!

Top 10 Best EFY Songs:

1 - My Earthly Father is a Modern-day Brother of Jared
2 - By the Sweat of My Brow and the Blisters on My Hands I Pull The Weeds Out of My Testimony
3 - The Sanctity of Marriage Between a Man and a Woman
4 - I Love All People (even modern day Gadianton Robbers!)
5 - Beating Pornography with Pure Thoughts and Righteous Living
6 - Even Once is Bad. It's Bad, You Know It (song to the tune of Michael Jackson's Bad)
7 - I Can Be A Modest Sariah!
8 - My Father Wants Me To Marry One of the Opposite Sex
9 - The Pearl of Great Price is also in the Scriptures and it's True!
10 - I Would Never Passionate Kiss With A Lemuel

Top 10 Topics Just Barely Left Out of For The Strength Of Youth

1 - You've Got an Erection at a Stake Dance, Now What?
2 - How to Make Funeral Potatoes
3 - 3 Ways How To Handle Walking In On Your Parents Making "Whoopee"
4 - How to Say No To Drugs and Still Look Cool
5 - Is It Really Such A Bad Thing That I Want To Make Out With My Cousin?
6 - "7 Minutes in Heaven, Spin The Bottle, Suck and Blow:" How To Play and Keep Your Standards
7 - I Think My Dad Wears Woman's Lingerie, Is That Normal?
8 - Classic Skating: It's not such a good idea (Wasatch Front Edition)
9 - Feminine Hygiene Is Necessary!
10 - Rated R Movies: Closing Your Eyes in the Bad Parts is Not Enough!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Little JoJo Magic

While watching this music video, follow these instructions:

1. Think of your crush

2. Make a heart with your hands

3. Kiss the heart

4. Put the heart where your real heart is

5. Post this on your favorite love song

Tommorow your crush will tell you they love you with all their heart and ask you out

Love, Jazzy

Hammock Connundrum

Having a hammock at our house this summer has been both a blessing and a curse. Blessing, in that it provides relaxation. Curse, in that it sets up for weird situations. As the temperature has gotten warmer and disputes amongst roommates have become more hostile, more people have found their way spending the night in the hammock.

I am a night owl and as such get home late enough that someone is already is sleeping in the hammock. This is where the weird situations have come in, the hammock is always covering their faces so I never know who it is. I have made several mistakes waking up the wrong person. One time, I woke up my bunkmate's father (he was drunk! LOL!). Another time I thought my cat-looking roomate was in there but when I went to wake him up, it turned out to be just a couple of cats. I also woke up an undercover cop, luckily they didn't have anything to arrest me for unless saying, "Wakey, Wakey" is a crime : ) A week ago was the most annoying however, I woke up this guy running for city council. I think he was fake sleeping and set the whole thing up trying to get another vote. After I woke him up, he kept me up talking and talking about all his positions and what he was going to do to clean up this city, yada, yada, yada, I didn't get to bed until 5 A.M. (Needless to say I had some serious bedhead the next day)

After all of this I finally decided to institute a label rule that reads. "If you sleep on the hammock, you must have a label of at least 24" that states your name, hometown city, and favorite animal."

So far so good but yesterday, I got duped by the cats again (How can a human look so much like a cat!)